About CollabPro


Dedicated to helping a wide range of businesses using innovative solutions to support their client service initiatives, our team here at CollabPro has extensive experience, giving us a broad range of knowledge to draw from. Whether you’re looking for specific advice or need all-around assistance cutting costs in the current business climate, we’re on hand to guide and inform – contact us to see how we can help.

Results Driven

With CollabPro, you don't just get someone to make or answer your calls. We want to be a part of bringing success to your business. We do this by making sure specialists take advantage of every opportunity to drive your business forward, whether it is an inbound or outbound interaction. This means more appointments booked, more information about your customers, improved customer loyalty, and more business.

Ready To Help

Our team's experience in developing both sales and service teams has been validated by the businesses we've helped. CollabPro's team can assist you in starting or revamping your sales or service efforts by working with you to create and implement a custom plan according to your specific needs. We know that every business is different and we will accommodate yours to suit your needs.

Get In Touch

Contact us with any questions.